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What Do Sharp End Training Do?
Founded in 2003, Sheffield based Sharp End Training is an online training and assessment company covering statutory and other essential business skills and topics.

Offering a number of resources to help the busy training manager as follows;
• OCTA (Online Candidate Training & assessment) coursebase – A unique before and after training tool designed to measure increase in knowledge caused by training. Covering a number of frequently requested core business topics.

• Robohelp – A service collating and hosting policy & procedure manuals. Client writes policies for their business, Sharp End Training host online using specialist software.

• Training Needs Analysis Online – A service offering the collection of training and skills needs data online rather than the traditional paper based. Significantly reducing paperwork and time taken.

The Sharp End Training Team:
Jonathan Senior, Managing Director – Based Sheffield UK
Jill Senior, Director of learning – Based Sheffield UK
Web content is hosted in Scotland and customers are all around the country making us a true virtual organisation.

Sharp End Training Aims?
To provide helpful, timely effective and cost efficient resources and services to training managers from businesses of all sizes. To aid training and education and develop skills for the benefit of the wider community.