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Leadership styles

October 3rd, 2008

Leadership styles - there is a lot of hocus pocus and bunk written about leadership styles - so let’s make this really easy. There are really only 2 leadership styles - leading from the front and leading from the back..stylish.jpg

What? No complicated methodology? No complicated formula that needs an army of consultants to set up and deliver?

No - just a simple question.

Do you lead from the front or lead from the back?

Imagine this

You are taking your children for a walk (if you don’t have children, imagine you do..) and you are walking in the park. You let them run on ahead and play. You idle along at the back - maybe have a drink or an ice cream. You are leading from the back. You have the situation under control and all is well. You have no need to get up and start shouting and telling children what to do.

But then you leave the park

And you walk to cross the road. You don’t want to be at the back now. Children will probably expect to be shouted at. You have to take control and now you are leading from the front.

So, it really is that easy, leadership styles can be broken down into 2 styles.

Which do you adopt, when & why?

Sharp End Training - the UK's leading online training company, works with managers and trainers to get value for money from their training budget. We produce high quality, interactive online training material. Director Jonathan Senior (pictured)and his team work tirelessly to save YOU money. Try a free online training course or sign up for our weekly newsletter.
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One Response to “Leadership styles”

  1. 4 functions of management | Sharp End Training on November 19, 2008 9:31 am

    [...] I did with the leadership styles, I will try to make this as simple as [...]

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