Symptoms of stress
In a few weeks, we start one of the most stressful times of the year.
But how can you recognise the symptoms of stress in a work colleague or a loved one?
We aren’t Doctor’s or medical people but here are some points that we have found to be consistent indicators of stress.
1. Coughs & colds.
OK, these are common enough at this time of year but in conjunction with one or more of the following.
2. Upset stomachs & sickness
This is a sign that the nervous system is working overtime.
3. Water works problems
Water infections, women can have menstrual problems & similar
4. Hyper emotional
Not sure if that’s a word, (but it is now). Breaking down and crying or shouting at a small or trivial matter.
Quite often, the shouting will come before the tears.
If you have completed our stress awareness course, you will know the common factor linking these 4 symptoms.
If you have not, the links are here.
Sharp End Training - the UK's leading online training company, works with managers and trainers to get value for money from their training budget. We produce high quality, interactive online training material. Director Jonathan Senior (pictured)and his team work tirelessly to save YOU money. Try a free online training course or sign up for our weekly newsletter. Share This Filed under Management |
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