Sharp End Training

Are you wasting money on training ?

management of web access

October 17th, 2006

with web access simply one of the tools of the trade these days, how does the busy manager make sure that staff spend time using the web for work related business only and not waste time looking at non-work related sites.

Obviously, you will have technical driven processes - monitoring software and acceptable use policies but we have consistently found the best way is to simply tell people what is and what is not allowed.

If you do this, on the day they start or within the week, they are more likely to understand and accept it than if you speak to them further into their employment.

Waiting a while is likely to lead to 2 problems
1. They think they have done something wrong and/or
2. They will have wasted some time already on inappropriate websites….

[tags] web access, acceptable use, induction policies [/tags]

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