Sharp End Training

Are you wasting money on training ?

The Post Strike

October 10th, 2007

The UK postal workers dispute shows no signs of being resolved and further strikes are being planned for next week. The knock on effect of undelivered letters will obviously take some time to clear even when the dispute is resolved.

Sharp End Training are therefore putting the following processes into place.

  1. We will NOT post anything without ringing you and telling you it is on it’s way. We will send all items recorded delivery.
  2. We encourage customers to pay by paypal or direct transfer to our bank (Please ring for details).
  3. We will use technology as much as possible and continue to use email/skype to send documents to you.
  4. Obviously, training courses are unaffected.

Hopefully, the dispute will not affect us as much as it is bound to affect some other industries and bsuinesses. Thank you for your co-operation.

[tags] post strike, emergency arrangements [/tags]

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