Business Owners
Business owners – we are one of you…
We are not lofty intellectuals or academics. We are business owners too.
The same high standards of course delivery apply to you as to our other clients (individual and corporate).
Your training features self paced learning which means you can move your business forward ANYTIME YOU CAN GET A WEB CONNECTION.
These standalone courses need no special software to download so you can get going straight away.
Need more users?
No problem – we can provide a “virtual university” – (large or small) for your business. Please contact us.
Choose from these low priced courses (all with instant access)
Basic networking online training
What is it?
Self paced online training with professional voice over.
You need this if you are..
A startup or new to business. Wondering what people are taking about with the “N”word. Wondering if networking is for you.
Sell more through networking
What is it ?
3 video series featuring conversational real world examples.
You need this if you are..
A business owner wondering when the sales will come from all that networking.
How to write a book
What is it ?
Self paced video series featuring how I wrote “Confessions of an Interim Manager”
You need this if you are..
A consultant, coach or trainer or aspiring author looking to get into self publishing.
Get your site online
What is it?
Online video series shows you EXACTLY how to get your website online YOURSELF with no input from webdesigners.
You need this if you are..
A new non technical startup. Have no money to pay an expensive web designer.
What NOT to do with wordpress
What is it?
Online training course aimed at existing site owners with little or no knowledge of site design and architecture.
You need this if you are
A site owner looking to extend the life of your DIY site BEFORE you go to a pro designer.
Business owners, sole traders, micropreneurs – There is no more economical way to train yourself. get involved today.
What to blog about
Hi Paul & thanks - yep am about next week
What to blog about
Hi Jonathan, Nice article. We might be interested in your CV training
The buzz phrase generator - Become an instant expert
Just 2 years and you get to claim expert? Wish I had known that about
Watch for these when you employ a web designer
Mike - good point. I would guess that banks and other people lookin
Watch for these when you employ a web designer
I have been the diy web design guy.. so I know how clients are with th