Technical — 15 September 2011

Most web users of a certain age have grown up with outlook (or for those of us who are old enough – outlook express).
Outlook though, has it’s limitations. Here are ten tell tale signs you may need to look for something else.

1. You have bookmarked more that 2 microsoft technical help pages.

2. You saved an attachment but you can’t remember where

3. You get an error message when you open outlook “An unexpected error has occurred”

4. You have mistyped someones email and now it is in your address book wrong seemingly forever,

5. Your machine has crashed and you have lost your entire history of messages.

6. You have had an outlook or email related virus.

7. You find yourself on the “wrong” computer unable to send or receive email.

8. You have set up signatures and mail filters (to be more efficient) more than once (ever)

9. You work mobile or on more than one machine

10. You don’t use any other microsoft products.

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